Friday, May 6, 2011

Post No. 182 Walk 18 Miles in NYC for Suicide Prevention

Dawn's Early Light on the Hudson - Nyack, NY
This photograph is a re-post, but I feel that it capture's the essence of the reason (and the person) whom my co-workers and I will walk in honor of at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention's (AFSP) 18 mile Out of the Darkness Overnight walk throughout NYC on the night of June 4-5, 2011. Please help me/ us raise money for this worthwhile cause. The funds will support research, education, programs, and survivor support. You can donate online at my donor-page or by check (email me and I'll send you info on where to send the check, which is made out to AFSP- forms can be downloaded via my donor-page.). Any amount will suffice...
peace & love,

1 comment:

Ajlounyinjurylaw said...

Beautiful picture and great cause.